Friday, January 4, 2008

Need a weekly planner? We'll mail you one!

Hi all,

The team at AMPA wish you a Happy New Year and we hope your holidays were rad times spent with loved ones.

As we roll back into the office after the holidays, there is no time to waste. We’ve got our red pens out and are in the midst of proofing AMPA’s 2008 Catalogue of Members for release in February. Also a tres practical weekly planner, it's packed with pertinent information on Alberta magazines and publishers making it a must-have resource for anyone remotely interested in reading or creating magazines.

This year’s version will be perfect-bound (no plastic coils equals better for the environment) and quite spiffy if we do say so ourselves.

Best of all, we can mail one to you on request. Just email us at: to get on the list.