Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Yay! AMPA Loves the Eco Kit

It isn't that hard to be green, but it can be pretty dang painfully becoming green. Where to begin? What to do? What will it cost? Markets Initiative, the tireless environmental non-profit that works to protect ancient forests, has come up with a comprehensive (and compact) guide. The Eco Kit is directed at magazine publishers, and offers the skinny on everything from choosing eco-paper to creating demand to deciphering the chain of custody.

The Eco Kit can be downloaded directly from www.marketsinitiative.org, or requested from AMPA. The hard copy is printed on "the wheat sheet," an eco-paper made from a by-product of wheat processing. Developing the wheat sheet was a joint effort by Markets Initiative and the Alberta Research Council, and went public as the substrate of choice for Canadian Geographic's recent environment issue. With major steps like these, green is getting a little bit more accessible.